Sunday, April 23, 2006

test, test, test..

Rosygarden'in blogundan aldigim testlerin sonuclari;

You Are Summer!


Bu test sonuclarina gore benim mevsimim yazmis.. Her mevsimin ayri guzelligi oldugunu dusunuyorum. Favorim sonbahar ama yazin Istanbul'uma kavustugum icin mutlu oluyorum.
Disa donuk ve cana yakin oldugum dogru ;)

You are a Lavender Rose

You represent love at first sight and enchantment.

Your vibe: intense and intriguing

Falling in love with you is: deep and meaningful

You Are a Rose

You are a total alpha female who tends to be a leader.
Your friends depend on you to hold things together and make decisions.
Men are drawn to your feminine powers and strength.
While you are the center of attention, you are secretly introverted and a bit shy.

Your Power Color Is Blue

Relationships and feelngs are the most important things to you.
You are empathetic and accepting - and good at avoiding conflict.
If someone close to you is in pain, it makes you hurt as well.
You try to heal the ones you love with your kind and open heart.


tahin said...

Sen neymissin be abi!
A-a-a :)

tahin said...

Herseyin de testini yapmislar:P
Ben de yapayim,

Ne renk koltuksunuz:P
Ne'li kumpirsiniz:D
Ne cesit bisiklet markasisiniz:D

ladybird said...


Bu sayfalara gir hepsini bulacaksin..kendini yorma bosuna:P

Hangi botsunuz?
Hangi ojesiniz?
Hangi kiymetli tassiniz?
vs.vs hepsini dusunmus adamlar..


tahin said...

You are absolutely a blue..

zootechnist said...

yarım yamalak ingilizceyle test yapmaya kalkarsak olacağı budur.Meğer bu test kadınlar içinmiş.Your man şıkkını görünce anladım.En kısa zamanda ingilizcemi eski seviyesine çıkarmam lazım.

ladybird said...

Hosgeldin Yusuf.

Bu testler ile pratik yapman ingilizcenin gelismesi acisindan faydali olmus iste;)