Saturday, September 02, 2006

Amerikali Muhtedi Hamza Yusuf'tan bir siir..

Hamza Yusuf 1977'de musluman olmus bir native California'li Amerikan. Kendisi 46 yasinda ve 5 ogul babasi. Musluman olduktan sonra arap ulkelerine gelerek 10 yil arapca ve ilahiyat ilimleri alarak cesitli meshur ulemadan icazet almistir. Daha sonra Amerika'ya donerek universitede Ilahiyat ve Saglik uzerine degree'sini yapmistir. Suan kendisinin onderliginde kurmus oldugu California'daki bir islam enstitutsunde hocalik yapmaktadir. The prufication of Heart, the content of His Character gibi bir cok kitap ve Arapca'dan Ingilizce'ye tercume kitabi bulunmaktadir. Hitabeti cok kuvvetli bir hoca..Dinlemenizi tavsiye ederim...

I envy the sand that met his feet
I’m jealous of honey he tasted sweet
Of birds that hovered above his head
Of spiders who spun their sacred web
To save him from his enemies
I envy clouds formed from the seas
That gave him cover from the heat
Of a sun whose light could not compete
With his, whose face did shine so bright
That all was clear in blinding night
I envy sightless trees that gazed
Upon his form completely dazed
Not knowing if the sun had risen
But felt themselves in unison
With those who prayed, and fasted too
Simply because he told them to
With truth and kindness, charity
From God who gave such clarity
His mercy comes in one He sent
To mold our hearts more heaven bent
I envy all there at his side
Who watched the turning of the tide
As truth prevailed and falsehood fled
And hope restored life to the dead
Men and Women through him found grace
To seek together God’s noble face
I envy the cup that gave him drink
His thoughts that helped us all to think
To be one thought that passed his mind
Inspiring him to act so kind
For me this world is not one jot
If I could simply be a thought
From him to God throughout the ages
As revelation came in stages
I pity all who think it odd
To hear him say there is one God
Or he was sent by God to men
To hone their spirits’ acumen
It’s pride that blinds us from the sight
That helps good men to see his light
He taught us all to be God’s slaves
And he will be the one who saves
Humanity from sinful pride
Muhammad has God on his side
So on this day be blessed and sing
For he was born to grace our Spring
With lilies, flowers, life’s rebirth
In a dome of green like his on earth


life said...

I have full of tears in my eyes out of happiness seeing American and English people who have converted to Islam.And I remember surah al nasr.

1 WHEN GOD'S SUCCOUR comes, and victory,
2 and thou seest people enter God's religion (1) in hosts,
3 extol thy Sustainer's limitless glory, and praise Him, and seek His forgiveness: for, behold, He is ever an acceptor of repentance.

Thank you so much for introducing converts to us.I am praying that more people will be able to discover beauties of Islam through them...

Thanks a lot...

İngilizce dinleyince İngilizce yorum yazmışım farkında olmadan:P

ladybird said...

Amin amin.
Jazak-Allah for ur comment sis. Not only them but we also have responsibility in introducing Islam, especially speaking for myself,living in the heart of the world and there are so many ppl who are out there.

We don't understand the greatness of Iman. We will understand when we die. May Allah make our heart grateful to Him.


divân said...

"duygunun asaleti kuvvet ve isabetindendir", der cemil meric...
hamza yusufda bu asaleti görebiliyoruz. vermis oldugu konferanslari ve makaleleri takip edebilirsiniz.
fiamenillah erguvani

ladybird said...

masaallah. ilmine asik olmamak elde degil. 17 yasinda olumden dondugu trafik kazasi sonrasi kuran okur ve musluman olur.

"It was this sudden confrontation with his own mortality that Yusuf has described as being the defining moment that gave "someone who was introspective, perspective." Although, numerous factors interplay in any individual's conversion, it was this view in particular, that opened up a path of enquiry and reflection that ultimately led to his conversion to Islam in 1977, a few months before his 18th birthday. His brush with death had sparked an intrigue into the afterlife, causing him to study various traditions' views on death. Islam, he found, offered the most detailed account of all."

sen de Allah'a emanet ol..